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[谈天说地] 只有塞班是万能的了吗,求助 ,平行旅行者 的影片

吻过你的脸是风 来自手机 团长 2023-4-3 15:45:52
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-4-3 14:53  经过一段时间,终于下载完成了。感谢大佬!希望大佬继续帮忙!

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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 15:45

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 15:45

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 来自手机 团长 2023-4-3 17:36:50
本帖最后由 吻过你的脸是风 于 2023-4-3 18:41 编辑
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-4-3 17:05 看来是发了第二季,不过论坛应该在审核中。因为我目前看不到。
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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 17:36

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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本帖最后由 吻过你的脸是风 于 2023-4-3 21:47 编辑
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-4-3 18:43


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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 21:45
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 21:45
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 21:45
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 21:45
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****

已经下载到10. 可能网络原因,这几个下载超级慢。
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-3 21:45
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 来自手机 团长 2023-4-4 19:35:54
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-4-4 17:29  已经下载到10. 可能网络原因,这几个下载超级慢。

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吻过你的脸是风 来自手机 团长 2023-4-4 19:49:29
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-4-4 19:13  第二季正是下载完成。特别感谢大佬!


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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-4 19:49
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
第三季来了,我只找到这里了,剩下的两季我看看能不能找到,不能就随缘吧 ...

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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吻过你的脸是风 发表于 2023-4-4 19:49
**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****
第三季来了,我只找到这里了,剩下的两季我看看能不能找到,不能就随缘吧 ...

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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