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[体验评测] 仙剑奇侠传手机版的经验总结

wwwshuguo 发表于 2019-8-29 22:57

我是在桃花林偷天仙玉露,然后大家全部70级。打拜月教主 ...

楼主有百度网盘的链接吗 有就麻烦分享下 谢谢
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一个人生活 发表于 2019-9-2 11:44
楼主有百度网盘的链接吗 有就麻烦分享下 谢谢

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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一个人生活 发表于 2019-9-2 11:44
楼主有百度网盘的链接吗 有就麻烦分享下 谢谢

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ptDbOhu-tX7yLkE1I-Ip7A 提取码: 4j4x

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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谢谢楼主分享 还有就是玩手机版的时候在后期我n85偶尔花屏一半特别是逍遥放大招的时候 放完大招恢复正常 不知道楼主有没有这个问题?
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一个人生活 发表于 2019-9-6 11:44
谢谢楼主分享 还有就是玩手机版的时候在后期我n85偶尔花屏一半特别是逍遥放大招的时候 放完大招恢复正常 不 ...

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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一个人生活 发表于 2019-9-6 11:44
谢谢楼主分享 还有就是玩手机版的时候在后期我n85偶尔花屏一半特别是逍遥放大招的时候 放完大招恢复正常 不 ...


In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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那可能是我个例吧 谢谢LZ解答
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