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[Others综合] 佳明Fenix6X pro 英文版连接电脑 出现 未识别 解决方案

hy123 士兵 2023-5-7 23:18:42
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-5-7 10:26

回复 使用道具 举报
hy123 发表于 2023-5-7 23:18
咸鱼淘的中文F5X,一切正常,但连不了电脑,表背序列号54G129870和包装、网站54G100001对不上,上面方法 ...

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
hy123 发表于 2023-5-7 23:18
咸鱼淘的中文F5X,一切正常,但连不了电脑,表背序列号54G129870和包装、网站54G100001对不上,上面方法 ...

就是需要查一下,在连接到电脑以后,虽然没出现大容量设备,在电脑的“设备管理器”里面是不是有一个“佳明移动gpd ”设备的字样?
如果电脑提示要安装驱动设备,那就安装佳明的usbdriver这个程序,网上能搜到。然后连接手表,然后选择“我要自己选择合适的驱动程序”,然后,如果你的电脑是64位的win10的话,一半都在c盘的 program64那个文件夹下的garmin里。选择garmin那个文件夹,点击下一步即可。
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
hy123 士兵 2023-5-8 23:43:39
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-5-8 15:39
就是需要查一下,在连接到电脑以后,虽然没出现大容量设备,在电脑的“设备管理器”里面是不是有一个“佳 ...

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hy123 发表于 2023-5-8 23:43
从没连过,插电脑真的只能充电,电脑一点反应都没有的,什么新设备哪怕未知设备都不会有 ...

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
hy123 发表于 2023-5-8 23:43
从没连过,插电脑真的只能充电,电脑一点反应都没有的,什么新设备哪怕未知设备都不会有 ...

另外,组装的手表,理论上也完全可以连接电脑做大容量的,但是可能不能连接garmin express。就跟买个优盘一样。往里面装地图是没问题的。
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
hy123 发表于 2023-5-8 23:43
从没连过,插电脑真的只能充电,电脑一点反应都没有的,什么新设备哪怕未知设备都不会有 ...


  • Hold the Power key and access the Power menu. 按住电源键不放,然后按一下菜单键。
  • Select Power Off. 选择关机。
  • Now press and release the Power button, until the watch starts booting up. 立刻按1下电源键,看到手表启动了,立刻
  • Now press and hold both the Start and Back buttons at the same time, until the Garmin logo appears. 按住开始键和后退键同时按住不放,直到佳明的那个三角形出现再放开
  • Stop pressing the Start button after you hear the first beep sound. 听到第一声滴的响声,放开 开始键。
  • Release the Back button once you hear the second beep听到第二声滴,放开后退键。


In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
luyukun1991 来自手机 士兵 2023-5-22 00:11:35
fenix 5x 按照大神的所有方法用了无数遍 依然无法连接电脑 真是要烦。 真的就是插上电脑 没有任何提示 只显示充电 哎
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luyukun1991 发表于 2023-5-22 00:11
fenix 5x 按照大神的所有方法用了无数遍 依然无法连接电脑 真是要烦。 真的就是插上电脑 没有任何提示 只显 ...


1. 是原装数据线吗?
2. 电脑是Win10吗?如果有Win7的电脑试一下。
3. 手表是原装的吗,是不是组装的?可以查一下序列号。
4. 连接电脑之前,安装了usb driver和garmin express和base map三个程序了吗?
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
luyukun1991 来自手机 士兵 2023-5-23 18:33:18
哈哈 原装线 行货 所有程序都安装了 而且 我甚至后来认为是接口磨损严重 还换了后盖 依然不行
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luyukun1991 来自手机 士兵 2023-5-23 18:34:13
原装线 不行 又买了新线 也不行 哈哈哈 我是服了
回复 使用道具 举报
luyukun1991 来自手机 士兵 2023-5-24 00:38:14
wwwshuguo 发表于 2023-5-22 22:19

1. 是原装数据线吗?

还是谢谢您了 大神 我今天又捣鼓了半天 还是不行 可能是usb模块坏了吧 用家人的手表 马上就能连上电脑 哈哈 我的表就是连不上 我就放弃了 今天下单了fenix7x 哎 前后心里煎熬了半个月
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luyukun1991 发表于 2023-5-23 18:33
哈哈 原装线 行货 所有程序都安装了 而且 我甚至后来认为是接口磨损严重 还换了后盖 依然不行 ...

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
luyukun1991 发表于 2023-5-23 18:34
原装线 不行 又买了新线 也不行 哈哈哈 我是服了

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
luyukun1991 发表于 2023-5-23 18:34
原装线 不行 又买了新线 也不行 哈哈哈 我是服了

在英文网页搜索 why my fenix 5x cannot be identified by pc? 能出现好多解决方案。我就是这么解决的,挨个尝试。
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mont.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no "resume" or "pause" key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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