hlizard 发表于 2022-11-30 15:12:06

几乎和VB6一样的可视化塞班软件开发工具NS Basic/Symbian OS

本帖最后由 hlizard 于 2022-12-2 14:50 编辑

我在外网找到一个非常像VB6(几乎一样)的塞班软件开发工具NS Basic/Symbian OS, 看介绍支持S60 V3 V5和UIQ3系统, IDE本身运行在Windows, 开发方式完全仿照VB6, 拖拽控件, 设置属性, 编写事件代码, 编程语言也和VB6 100%兼容, 开发好编译为sisx包发到手机就可以直接安装运行, Hello World程序安装包大小在800多K. 我觉得可以称为Visual Basic for Symbian S60.

本人Win10下亲测可以正常安装使用, 编译的sisx在E63(S60V3)和C5-03(S60V5)下可以运行, 开发的软件在E63下有方向键可控制的鼠标光标进行操作, 在触屏的C5-03上则是可以直接触屏点击, 软件运行流畅, 打开也快. 但发现一个致命问题--中文不能正常显示, 搜编全网无资料, 无法确认是不是开发工具原本就不支持(但NS Basic/Palm是支持的, 证据是官网能搜到不少使用NS Basic/Palm开发的日文软件作品展示,官网NS Basic/Palm文档资料也说完全支持日文中文):

此开发工具原本是商业软件, 源于NS Basic/Palm, 底层使用StyleTap技术, 开发维护于2007~2009年间, 功能比较完善, 现已不再销售, 作者于2021年将其开源到了github上. 值得强调的是此开发工具本身也是用VB6开发的https://www.dospy.wang/static/image/smiley/smilies/8.gif!! 所以对VB6熟悉的牛人还可以继续开发维护此工具(首要的当然是对中文的显示和输入支持). 本人VB6只会Hello World, 已测试源码可正常编译(需解决依赖问题), 但还不知道如何制作安装包, 也不知道如何删除注册限制.


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Pyy 发表于 2022-12-1 07:20:22


zixing 发表于 2022-12-1 08:43:55


Linus 发表于 2022-12-1 14:52:56


水中月镜中花 发表于 2022-12-1 21:23:18


IzumiChino 发表于 2022-12-2 17:35:58


雪承 发表于 2022-12-3 03:03:39


hlizard 发表于 2023-3-22 18:15:10

根据维基资料, 这不是塞班上唯一的VB开发环境:

Other languages

Symbian v9.1 with a S60v3 interface, on a Nokia E61
Symbian devices can also be programmed using Python, Java ME, Flash Lite, Ruby, .NET, Web Runtime (WRT) Widgets and Standard C/C++.

Visual Basic programmers can use NS Basic to develop apps for S60 3rd Edition and UIQ 3 devices.

In the past, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, and C# development for Symbian were possible through AppForge Crossfire, a plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio. On 13 March 2007 AppForge ceased operations; Oracle purchased the intellectual property, but announced that they did not plan to sell or provide support for former AppForge products. Net60, a .NET compact framework for Symbian, which is developed by redFIVElabs, is sold as a commercial product. With Net60, VB.NET, and C# (and other) source code is compiled into an intermediate language (IL) which is executed within the Symbian OS using a just-in-time compiler. (As of 18 January 2010, RedFiveLabs has ceased development of Net60 with this announcement on their landing page: "At this stage we are pursuing some options to sell the IP so that Net60 may continue to have a future.")

There is also a version of a Borland IDE for Symbian OS. Symbian development is also possible on Linux and macOS using tools and methods developed by the community, partly enabled by Symbian releasing the source code for key tools. A plug-in that allows development of Symbian OS applications in Apple's Xcode IDE for Mac OS X was available.

Java ME applications for Symbian OS are developed using standard techniques and tools such as the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit (formerly the J2ME Wireless Toolkit). They are packaged as JAR (and possibly JAD) files. Both CLDC and CDC applications can be created with NetBeans. Other tools include SuperWaba, which can be used to build Symbian 7.0 and 7.0s programs using Java.

Nokia S60 phones can also run Python scripts when the interpreter Python for S60 is installed, with a custom made API that allows for Bluetooth support and such. There is also an interactive console to allow the user to write Python scripts directly from the phone.

PlexLiang 发表于 2023-3-22 22:43:42


ymsh1008 发表于 2023-4-1 23:58:19


晓冬 发表于 2023-5-11 20:38:50


zshero 发表于 2023-6-2 22:30:48


冰洁菌 发表于 2023-6-4 23:43:19


lius 发表于 2023-7-27 10:45:42


camomille 发表于 2023-7-31 21:45:52

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查看完整版本: 几乎和VB6一样的可视化塞班软件开发工具NS Basic/Symbian OS