桥豆麻袋 发表于 2021-3-22 12:48:34

【WP8.x】口袋拉力赛 Pocket Rally v1.2.1.0

【WP8.x】口袋拉力赛 Pocket Rally v1.2.1.0
**** Hidden Message *****
【测试机型】诺基亚Lumia 920 WP8.1 Cyan
Pocket Rally v1.2.1.0.xap
MD5: 3E18AD64D436C9AEC66A84FC86B1D7E9
SHA1: DDAE38CC174BC425621E55E2CEC9523E94549BEB

Pocket Rally是一款集老派Rally赛车游戏和智能设备体验于一体的尝试。令人惊叹的视觉图形,逼真而有趣的驾驶汽车物理,都在你的手掌心。随时随地参加拉力赛!

Pocket Rally is an attempt to combine the best of both old school rally racing games and smart device experiences. Stunning visual graphics, realistic yet fun to drive car physics, all in the palm of your hand. Take the rally racing anytime, anywhere with you!
* Highly detailed and precisely made car models, beautiful and visually convincing racing tracks located in various spectacular sceneries including mountains, coastline and ancient city ruins.
* Carefully tuned car physics to be both realistic and fun. Multiple ground surface properties including tarmac, gravel, grass and ice. Each car has unique driving characteristics, and will evolve through the winning of races.
* 5 control modes (including Bluetooth/OTG/USB gamepads) and 3 camera angles (in-game toggleable) to choose from.
* Strength adjustable AI opponents. Up to 4 cars can race simultaneously in a game.
* Introducing the Replay Mode. Performed a perfect power drift doing a hairpin turn and want to show your friends? Too occupied in the competition not able to admire your own driving technique and want to see it later? Replay Mode is the answer for you! The replay cameras are tailored for each track, recording the whole event from best angles and play it back for you.
* 2 main game modes to play: Challenge mode and Single Race mode. Additional cars and tracks can be unlocked by winning challenges and to be chosen in Single Race mode.
Currently there are 8 legendary rally cars, 8 tracks (including forward/reverse direction) and 65 Challenge mode events in the game, with more to come!

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口袋拉力 看起来很真实

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